Huracan x Deportivo Madryn 24/05/2022 Copa Argentina

120' + 5'
120' + 4'
120' + 4'
120' + 3'
120' + 3'
120' + 2'
120' + 2'
120' + 1'
120' + 1'

On 24/05/2022, team Huracan faces team Deportivo Madryn from the Copa Argentina, Argentina. Follow the result and the live match of Huracan vs Deportivo Madryn starting at 21:35, here at Sambafoot.

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Huracan vs Deportivo Madryn Formações



W. Coyette
G. Esmerado


A. Martínez
A. Martínez (Goalkeeper)
Mauricio Gabriel Nievas
Mauricio Gabriel Nievas (Goalkeeper)
Hernán Ismael Galíndez
Hernán Ismael Galíndez (Goalkeeper)
Yair Iván Bonnin
Yair Iván Bonnin (Goalkeeper)
N. Durán
N. Durán (Goalkeeper)
Joaquín Fabricio Hass
Joaquín Fabricio Hass (Goalkeeper)
S. Meza
S. Meza (Goalkeeper)
F. Grigera
F. Grigera (Goalkeeper)
S. Pisculichi
S. Pisculichi (Defender)
D. Braghieri
D. Braghieri (Defender)
F. Tobio
F. Tobio (Defender)
Braian Matías Acuña
Braian Matías Acuña (Defender)
G. Sauro
G. Sauro (Defender)
J. Obdrzalek
J. Obdrzalek (Defender)
César Roman Ibáñez
César Roman Ibáñez (Defender)
Mauricio Oscar Mansilla
Mauricio Oscar Mansilla (Defender)
G. Benítez
G. Benítez (Defender)
Alan Ezequiel Moreno
Alan Ezequiel Moreno (Defender)
F. Torrent
F. Torrent (Defender)
A. Escobar
A. Escobar (Defender)
Matías Adrián Pólvera
Matías Adrián Pólvera (Defender)
Mauro Martín Peinipil
Mauro Martín Peinipil (Defender)
R. Echeverría
R. Echeverría (Defender)
Facundo Nicolás Ardiles
Facundo Nicolás Ardiles (Defender)
H. De La Fuente
H. De La Fuente (Defender)
Pablo Ezequiel Calderón
Pablo Ezequiel Calderón (Defender)
F. Pereyra
F. Pereyra (Defender)
Jorge Raúl Zules Caicedo
Jorge Raúl Zules Caicedo (Defender)
G. Burdisso
G. Burdisso (Defender)
Enzo Ariel Arreguín
Enzo Ariel Arreguín (Midfielder)
L. Figueredo
L. Figueredo (Defender)
Federico Nicolás Recalde
Federico Nicolás Recalde (Midfielder)
Alejo Agustín Toledo Gamarra
Alejo Agustín Toledo Gamarra (Midfielder)
Nicolás Andrés Sánchez
Nicolás Andrés Sánchez (Midfielder)
S. Piccinetti
S. Piccinetti (Midfielder)
Z. Zegarra
Z. Zegarra (Midfielder)
W. Alarcón
W. Alarcón (Midfielder)
Estanislao Jara
Estanislao Jara (Midfielder)
L. Lescano
L. Lescano (Midfielder)
Diego Hernán Crego Mayans
Diego Hernán Crego Mayans (Midfielder)
Pablo Fabricio Siles Morales
Pablo Fabricio Siles Morales (Midfielder)
Lucas Misael Necul
Lucas Misael Necul (Midfielder)
M. Gómez
M. Gómez (Midfielder)
J. Rojas
J. Rojas (Midfielder)
L. Pérez
L. Pérez (Midfielder)
Marcos Alejandro Rivadero
Marcos Alejandro Rivadero (Midfielder)
F. Fattori
F. Fattori (Midfielder)
Javier Ferreira
Javier Ferreira (Attacker)
A. Roa
A. Roa (Midfielder)
Brian Nicolás Ferreyra
Brian Nicolás Ferreyra (Attacker)
M. Ríos
M. Ríos (Midfielder)
J. Porto
J. Porto (Attacker)
Francisco Sebastián Ramírez
Francisco Sebastián Ramírez (Midfielder)
B. Giménez
B. Giménez (Attacker)
F. Alfonso
F. Alfonso (Midfielder)
Diego Gaspar Diellos
Diego Gaspar Diellos (Attacker)
L. Garate
L. Garate (Attacker)
M. Benítez
M. Benítez (Attacker)
Rodrigo Ezequiel Cabral
Rodrigo Ezequiel Cabral (Attacker)
J. Palacio
J. Palacio (Attacker)
Marcelo de la Cruz Pérez Mosqueira
Marcelo de la Cruz Pérez Mosqueira (Attacker)
D. Dulon
D. Dulon (Attacker)
H. Fértoli
H. Fértoli (Attacker)
W. Mazzantti
W. Mazzantti (Attacker)
