Robinho’s bold legal move to escape jail time

Former soccer star fights conviction with high-stakes court appeal.
Desmond Efe-Khaese
2024-04-05 12:46:49

Robinho’s defense filed an appeal with the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) to release him from prison. Since March 21, he’s been serving a nine-year sentence for a 2013 rape conviction in Milan, now detained in Penitentiary 2 of Tremembé.

The appeal, lodged on Thursday, challenges the decision’s clarity, arguing for Robinho’s freedom during the appeals process.



++ Robinho is detained in Brazil to serve his sentence for rape

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The STJ had enforced the Italian sentence in Brazil on March 20, leading to Robinho’s immediate imprisonment. The court justified its decision by stating the conviction became final in Italy in 2022. Robinho’s lawyers argue against this, insisting on his right to appeal.

Previously, Robinho sought to avoid arrest through a Habeas Corpus request at the Supreme Federal Court (STF), denied by Minister Luiz Fux. Fux has now requested input from the Attorney General’s Office, possibly escalating the case within the STF.

After spending the first ten days in isolation, Robinho now shares a cell and has begun integrating with other inmates. The legal battle and Robinho’s prison conditions are under close watch, with his lawyers pushing for a review of his case at the higher levels of Brazilian justice.